
2024; Classes meet once a week for 2 hours. Messages or questions accepted through Text (801) 49 49 500. Check my 'Classes' tab for listings of my class times and Fees. Spaces are filled first by current students who wish to continue, then by returning students, students that were previously enrolled, then by those on my 'Wait List' in order of the date of first contact. Those who only list 1 class time as the only time that they could attend will take the longest to place. Others list a few or several opions for class times. The more options the sooner the placement. Those wanting to enroll 2 or more individuals in the same class will be the hardest, and longest to place. To add yourself to my current 'Wait List' I need; 1) your name, age, and 2) a list of as many possible class times/days that you can attend. 3) Then Text me this info at (801-494-9500). I wish I had the ability to offer space to everyone who desires to work with clay.  Ed 

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