September 2024: '8 CLASSES' will resume thru November; WHITE STONE POTTERY: Utah Valley, Alpine, Utah.  

 Below are the listings of class times offered. Enrollment is for 1 month. Fees are currently $150 per month. Each class is a 2 hour session that meets once a week. Students pay their month's fee at the first scheduled meeting of each month. I do not accept anyone using my facility for their own business or high production purposes. Students selling their work, bringing in pieces produced outside of class, or larger pottery that takes up extra space in the kilns, can be charged additional fees. I also have the right to not fire pottery which might damage equipment or others' work. Damages to kiln or shelves will be charged accordingly. I also have the right to discharge a student for disrupting or not following class considerations.

CLASSES (students minimum age 18): Wheel-thrown pottery lessons are offered at my studio in Alpine, Utah. Students are taught how to make pottery using electric pottery wheels. Classes are for all levels of students. This is a class for those who may wish to experience the process of making clay pottery for the first time using the electric pottery wheel (not manual kick-wheel), or perhaps you have had some previous experience and would like the opportunity to continue developing skills to create useful items for your home or as gifts. Classes are designed to help any who wish to continue their growth in the variety of projects possible or to increase the quality of the pieces produced. I currently offer 8 classes (max 7 students per class), morning 10:00-12:00 MWTh, evening 7:00-9:00 MTWTh and Tuesday afternoon 1:00-3:00. Current Enrolled Students can re-enroll as often as they want and many continue for several months or even years. 

Below is a photo of my studio when first opened in 2008. Many additions and changes have been made since.

Class times are listed below. Month long classes begin the first scheduled day of the month, however when there is a vacancy a student can enroll and begin at any time. Currently enrolled students have first priority for the following month's classes. There is no limit as to how many classes you can enroll in or continue taking. All enrollments are for 1 month or 4/5 weeks. Each weekly meeting is a 2 hour session. I do not have open lab times and I do not rent out studio space or sell clay/glaze materials or equipment.                               

Current Class Times are listed below.

      Monday;          Morning    10:00 -  12:00             

                             Evening    7:00  -   9:00

      Tuesday;          Morning    Currently closed

                             Afternoon  1:00  -  3:00           

                             Evening    7:00  -   9:00             

      Wednesday;     Morning   10:00  -  12:00         

                             Evening     7:00  -  9:00             

      Thursday;        Morning    10:00  - 12:00     

                             Evening     7:00  -   9:00             

PLEASE READ all the following;  Classes are not available in December/January/February. During my absense for Art Festivals, Work Shops, or Demonstrations outside of the studio, an advanced student, substitute instructor, or another class option time will be provided. I have assistants currently helping with studio  maintenance, mixing glazes and loading kilns.  

For questions, after reading this entire page, please text me at 801-494-9500  



  • First-time students (no previous wheel throwing experience) once enrolled should consider re-enrolling for 2-3 months (8-12 classes/16-24 hours) to acquire the basic skills needed to complete a few useful projects. I understand that busy or changing schedules do not always allow this.
  • Classes and Fees are listed as a one-month enrollment only. Students have 4-5 class sessions which meet once a week for 2 hours.
  • Absences, for any reason, if reported early allows another student a make-up class time
  • Make-up sessions must be completed during the same month as the absence.
  • Fees are due at the first class meeting (check, cash, Venmo). If payments are late add a $20 late fee.
  • Fees for 2024 are currently $150 per month and are paid during 1st class meeting/week.
  • You do not have to purchase any clay. The charges for your finished work is $8 per pound. This Fee covers the cost of the actual clay used plus the cost of glazes, materials and kiln firings (electric & gas). Most pottery pieces you make will weigh between 1-2 pounds. Cost is calculated by weighing on scale.
  • The first month students practice on the basic technics for controlling the clay. Since this takes both hand strength and coordination individual progress can be slower than anticipated. Being patient is an important quality for success. The physical efforts made during class will strengthen your hands, wrists and arms even when there is no apparent progress. The first weeks are more directed towards exercise to strengthen hands, fingers and arms rather than productivity. Consider it as going to the gymn.  
  • I do not have required assignments. After showing a few technics for making a few pottery forms you can decide what you would like to create and I will demonstrate the process and coordination you will need to acquire in order to accomplish that project. Some desired projects may be beyond your ability, my own knowledge or the studio's equipment to complete.
  • There is no limit to how many times you can re-enroll for the following month. I suggest that beginning students consider enrolling in a second or third class, 2-3 consecutive months.
  • Pottery not picked up or paid for by the end of the month becomes the property of White Stone Pottery and will be disgarded, donated or sold.
  • Pottery must be identified by enscribing your name and class ID on the bottoms of your pots with a pencil (not needle tool) in order to progress through the normal stages of completion. Unidentified pottery with no or unreadable signatures/designs will not be fired. Pottery that is too thick or heavy will also be rejected as it could damage other pottery in the firing process. Glazed pottery which has an inappropiate amount of glaze or not cleaned off the bottom (dry footed 1/4") will be rejected. Pottery that has glazing errors, runs or sticks to the shelf or creates any damage to kiln or other pottery will be charged accordingly. Replacing any kiln shelf will cost $100.
  • SHORT Finger nails are encouraged. Rings, braceletts or watches need to be removed. Long hair should be tied back to avoid falling into your face or the clay. Same with any dangling jewelry. Do not apply hand lotion before class. It will polute the water used for throwing or cleaning up. Bandaids on hands will come off while throwing. After class wash hands at home to remove unseen clay. Before leaving make sure you checkout with all tools, stools, brick and foot pedal put back in place. Thank you !

All Class Fees are due on the first day/week of the class meeting. This fee includes; personal instruction and demonstrations, instructor's care of each students work to ensure the best possible success of each project, all materials and tools used in working with the clay, and the use of the wheels & studio equipment during the scheduled class time. All clay is provided with no charge and you only pay for the clay and materials actually used for your finished pottery. As listed above this fee covers the actual cost of the clay, glaze materials, firings (electricity & natural gas) used to produce your pottery pieces. The average beginning student may produce 1 to 3 items their first month which will weigh about 1 lb each ($8). A second consecutive month of class will help to develop the skills necessary to achieve a successful 'beginner' level. After this initial introductory period continuing students will experience greater variety of projects, increased size and production, and much improved quality. 

The small class size (max 7) allows for individual, one-on-one, instruction. During the first month of your class the clay is prepared/wedged for you (You will be taught this during the second month) to allow you to focus on the centering process and the strength and coordination needed for molding the clay into a wheel-thrown pot. As your projects dry and reach their proper leather-hard stage I will place your pottery into plastic bags with your ID tag identifing your work. You will not need to return to the studio to care for your pottery as they dry. They will be ready for trimming when you return to class the following week. This eliminates having to return to class to check on the progress and drying of your projects. I do it for you ! Pottery left longer than a week may need to be dipped in water to soften the clay for trimming. If clay is totally dry, or too heavy/thick, it will need to be recycled. Absences or missing classes, for whatever reason, may not always have a make up sessions. The earlier I am notified of a no-show the sooner those class times can be posted for any needing a missed class. All missed classes have to be made up during the same month missed, if an open session is  available. No carring over to following month. Your fee covers one month of classes regardless of the number of times you actually attend. Sickness, injuries, personal necessities, life's dramas can not always be avoided. Your personal health and family are more important than attending class.

Text Ed Ham at (801) 49 49 500.

Answers to basic questions ['Classes'] and how to get to the studio ['Directions'] are located under these designated tabs. Use them !